My Animal Attraction for Reckless Love’s Latest Album

Reckless Love are back with their second album, Animal Attraction. Ever since I first heard "Beautiful Bomb" and "Romance" from their self-titled album, I have adored this Finnish rock band’s unique style, and I awaited their new release with patience and excitement. It’s out now, I have a copy, and I’ve listened to it enough times now to give you a decent review on it and to give you some reasons why you should give this band a try.

"Animal Attraction" kicks off the album with a bang! It’s an instant 5/5 song! Energy just resonates from this song, and it’s so sexy, fun and easy to sing along to. Lead singer Olli essentially lists the places he’s done it for the verses, topping it off with a catchy chorus. The song is paced very well, the guitar getting easily stuck in your head. It’s one of those songs that you just want to bob your head to all day long. If you want a fun rock song that’s a bit cheeky, check this one out!

Next is "Speedin’", a song that I’ve given 3/5. This shredding song picks up the pace quickly, with a good beat and some crazy guitar skills. The lyrics aren’t anything super special, but the way they are delivered is flawless. Olli really does have a great voice, which he demonstrates when he hits his signature high notes. Oh how I wish I could do that… The music backing him up is great, so it’s not a song to miss.

"Born to Break Your Heart" is next, catching your attention with a unique guitar intro. The beat is consistent and good, matched with great lyrics, once again. The lyric from the chorus I’m your evil angel with a smile of a reptile is my favourite as it’s so unique and interesting, two words I would also use to describe the band. Pepe’s guitar solo is great, keeping with the pace and mood of the song. It tops off the song, in my opinion. The song in general is a typical rock song, making it likeable for anyone of any age, and I give it 4/5.

Fourth on the album is an all-time favourite of mine, "Hot", a 5/5 song that is worthy of its rating so much that it should be 6/5! This was the first single released from the album, before the album itself was released, and I could not stop listening to it. It has to be one of the catchiest most fun songs ever, and it has found its way into my Top 25 songs at position number four, and that is one hell of an achievement! Jalle’s bass is a cool intro to the song, but it hardly prepares you for the rest of the song. The chorus is so catchy and so loveable that you won’t be able to resist it. It’s so fun, and I’m always taken back to the great times that I have in summer. Not to mention, in the second verse, Olli takes a break and lets the back-ups come in, which I think is genius. Pepe has a great voice and it adds a new dimension to the song. The solo is cool, the other instruments breaking down so you just focus on the shredding, which was a good choice. With its old rock sound and joyful lyrics, it’s guaranteed to put a smile on your face, just like their older song "Beautiful Bomb" does. You’re sure to have Hey it’s getting hot hot hotter than hell stuck in your head for weeks if you listen to it. Also check out the video. These guys are going to win you over!

"Fantasy" is up next, yet another 5/5 song. This is comparable to the ballad off their first album, "Sex", which is an amazing song too. This one has sweeter lyrics, including Your love is like fantasy, so good I just can’t believe…. Far better than reality, and I adore the romance in every line. It’s slow but still a great rock song, and it’s hard to pick out one aspect that stands out the most. Everyone really contributed the most in this one. It’s brilliant. All I can say is that every girl needs to hear these words from their boyfriend. Give this song one shot and you will fall in love with it.

To change things up from the last song, we now have one called "Dirty Dreams". Again, sex is in the minds of these young males, but the perhaps over-usage of the theme doesn’t make the songs bad at all. If anything, it just adds to the coolness of them as they are all linked together. This one is rather catchy too, the line "She made me feel like a virgin livin’ dirty dreams" being the one that will repeat in your brain over and over. The highlight for this song is the guitar. There is some great work done with it, and I particularly enjoy the solo. Everything just seems to be working in this song, which is great for us listeners. Again, this is a fun and sexy song with a catchy chorus, which is typical Reckless Love. I give it a 4/5.

"Dance" follows, and I rate it 4/5 as well. Things are slowed down slightly, there’s a somewhat different sound, the vocals deeper and extremely clear, and a simple tune by everyone else. The chorus is definitely a stand out, with the" Be my baby, rock rock rock rocker on, on the dance floor of rock n roll" being the catchiest part. That followed with Pepe’s solo and it’s just an engaging song that will demand your attention after a few listens. The lyrics are once again kind of fun, even a bit humorous, and you’ll be singing along quickly. They remind me of live videos of Reckless Love, as Olli does like to dance sexily, which is more than appropriate for this song.

And next we have "Fight", a song that I give 3/5. The pace is increased from the casual song beforehand, and the vocals seem rougher, which isn’t something that they’ve done before. In that respect, it stands out from the other songs, but in saying that, it doesn’t work that well for me. The lyrics don’t stand out that much to me, and if anything, this is a smidgen of a let-down for me. A positive is the guitar solo, as almost always, so it’s clear that Pepe has some talent. I expected a bit more from them for a fast-paced song, but I’m sure there are people that love this song lots. Give it a shot if you want something less sexy.

"Switchblade Babe" begins with an amazing beat from Hessu that makes me straight away rate it, and the song, 5/5. It instantly demands your attention and makes you wonder what they have in store for you now. The guitar keeps up the pace, keeps it interesting, and the lyrics are so unique and wonderfully sung, emphasis in all the right places. Everything works together so perfectly; I adore it. My favourite lyric is "Her monster mind is not the Jekyll it’s a sexy Hyde" and the way that it’s sung. The way it fades out is great, and it makes me want more of those perfect drums from Hessu. It’s an awesome rockin’ song that’ll make every chick want to be a "Switchblade Babe" as every member of the band shows off their talents. Check this one out live, as well. It has all the right amounts of fun and a touch of sexy too. Great song, and I’m currently crushing on it.

Turning over the page in the lyric book and we see a gorgeous picture of the band from the set of Hot’s video, and then we come to "On the Radio", the (current) latest single that earns a 5/5 too. Before I begin reviewing it, I want to bring your attention to a verse’s lyric: "This is the sound of fun, b-b-b-better on the re-run." It is so true. This is one hell of a fun song, and it’s so much better after you’ve heard it a few times. I used to dislike it, but then I heard it one too many times and now it’s one of my favourite songs from them. It is super catchy, cheery, and amazing to sing to. I love Olli’s intro, and then once that guitar comes in, I’m hooked. The bass from Jalle is great up loud, but once the chorus hits, you’ll feel like you’re a rockstar with your own song on the radio, and it makes you so happy. My favourite part so far seems to be the lyric "She’s takin’ over my mic, on sixty nine point oh my god," because it’s sung perfectly with Olli’s typical sound and cheekiness, and then the song launches into a guitar solo. Good choice for a single, and a good choice for a sing-along.

"Coconuts" is next, and this is such a unique song. Again, I wasn’t that fond of it when I first heard it, but now I think it’s just full of fun, and what rock album doesn’t have a fun song? It’s a cool song and stands out because of its interesting sound, with a tune from Pepe that will easily get imprinted in your mind. Another catchy chorus with playful remarks make this song so enjoyable, so if you’re in that mood, give this one a listen. I think it’s cute how at the end of the song in the book, it says " …and take a chance ;)" which is cool and inspiring to me. It’s like a shout-out to the fans, and I for one appreciate that. I give this song a 4.5/5, depending what mood I’m in. ;)

Finishing up the album on certain editions is the song "Young ‘n’ Crazy". I would have preferred that the album ended with Coconuts, as this song is only a 3/5 for me. The lyrics are mature for the first verse, but the second one is more immature and less to my liking. That being said, younger people probably would enjoy that verse more, so it really just depends on the person. The chorus is made up of them all shouting the lyrics, which reminds me a lot of "One More Time" from their first album. This song is like a baby of that song, which is a bit of a disappointment. Nonetheless, it’s not a bad song, and is definitely good for having fun to, especially considering I am one who is Young and crazy for rock ’n’ roll energy. Easy song to relate to, easy song to sing along to, and it’s easy on the ears.

Turn the page over and you get all of their gorgeous thanks you’s, my favourite being the end of Hessu’s:

"Very Special thanks to all our fans all over the world! – Listen to Animal Attraction On the Radio, have Dirty Dreams, Fight for your Fantasy, Dance the night away, and to all Hot Switchblade Babes stay Young ‘n’ Crazy, but remember! – We got the Coconuts and we were Born to Break Your Heart!! ;) “See you soon!”"

That alone makes me proud to be a Reckless Love fan, and I really hope I do get to see them soon. These Finnish rockers have so much talent and they deserve to be recognised. So, what are you waiting for? Go and listen to these songs and spread the word about the latest rockers to hit the music scene!

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