Green Day - Dos!

This is the album that everyone is saying is Green Day’s best album of the trio they have released, but I have to disagree. To me, it’s the least enjoyable one, so let me tell you why.

See You Tonight

This song sounds a bit old fashioned, but I love the harmonies and simplicity of it. It is a nice intro to the album, and I rate it 4/5.

F**k Time

Of all of the songs on this album, this is my favourite by far. Perhaps it’s the Foxboro Hot Tubs vibe it has to it, or because it’s a song that’s just pure fun. It doesn’t matter, because this song is a 5/5 without a doubt!

Stop When The Red Lights Flash

I feel like this song is too repetitive. The chorus says “I’ll make you surrender.” over and over, and the guitar plays the exact same tune for the verses. It’s not a stand out song for me, so I only give it a 3/5.

Lazy Bones

This song is a very strong one, both musically and lyrically. It’s always enjoyable listening to it, and it deserves a 5/5 rating. My favourite lyric is “I don’t want your sympathy, I don’t want your honesty, I just want to get some piece of mind.”, and I feel like anyone of any age can relate to this song, which is what makes it so great.

Wild One

Again, this song is a bit repetitive. It’s also slow, which doesn’t seem to do it any favours in my opinion. I rate it 3/5.

Makeout Party

The first thing I thought about this song was that its title didn’t seem like something Green Day would call a song. The second thing I thought was that the lyrics sounded very immature, so it doesn’t appeal to me. However, younger teenagers might enjoy it more, so don’t be put off from giving this song a try. I give this one a rating of 3/5 as well.

Stray Heart

This is such a great song. It’s simple, but super catchy. Mike does a great job with the bass (something that’s common throughout the whole album) and the lyrics are relatable to everyone. Another 5/5 song!


Every band has to have a song about a girl named Ashley, and here is Green Day’s one. Tré gives us a quick beat, which I love, and there’s a brutal chorus. I give it 4/5, partly because it’s so catchy.

Baby Eyes

This is another song that I don’t enjoy very much. It’s just not as strong as the others, and its chorus is far too basic and cliché. I rate it 3/5.

Lady Cobra

Again, this song isn’t as strong. I feel like it’s not a very exciting song, and I don’t listen to it very often. Another 3/5.


Where to even begin with this song… In a nutshell, I really dislike it. Green Day should never attempt to do a rap song ever again. Punk rockers can’t rap. Don’t get me wrong, the bass is good, but it should have been used to spice up another song on the album. This song only gets a rating of 2/5.

Wow! That’s Loud

This song I can barely listen to. The guitar is too high-pitched and I find it quite annoying. Billie’s singing is good, though, and I’m sure some of you will find it catchy and interesting. I rate it 3/5.


I love how soft this song is. Everything just works perfectly and it concludes the album really well. I give it a 4/5 rating.

All in all, I feel like this album is rather weak, and it only gets a 4/5 over all. I enjoy listening to Uno! and Tré! a lot more than Dos!, and I don’t see why everyone is talking so positively about it. But, don’t let that put you off, because it is a decent album and I can guarantee that there’s at least one song on it that you will like.

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