
Halcyon means calm or untroubled, which is in direct contrast of the thrashing waters it seems to be. Ellie Goulding's Halcyon was released in October of 2012. The shocking vocals and sheer, raw feeling one gets from the music generates goose-bumps. Even though she is of the electronic genre, one can see her natural, true voice, and know that it's definitely not as enhanced as Britney Spears or Jennifer Lopez.

It got pretty decent reviews from the music critics. Her gifted voice was what was most praised. As said by the Rolling Stones, "Goulding earned her glass slippers." She is most known for her top-of-the-charts hit "Lights", which is included on Halcyon. The "helium" voice she used didn't impress all critics, but it won over most of the world. Time Entertainment called the album "bi-polar", which was the effect Goulding was hoping for. She had said, "I want to make an effect whether it’s happy or sad.”

Lyrics of all songs included heart-break, renewal, love, and depth. Goulding's powerful sound and lyrics are easy to relate to and personable. Her singing was a mix of all sorts of vocal changing, creating a theme of drama. The chilling song titles were in no comparison of the vast lyrics; titles such as "My Blood" or "Dead in the Water". Then there would be hopeful songs such as "Anything Could Happen" or "Atlantis", with an upbeat, optimistic view. Nevertheless, this album deserves five stars. It's a true must-have in the musical era.

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