Panic's "Pretty. Odd." is Pretty. Good.

Panic's "Pretty. Odd." is Pretty. Good. March 25th, 2008 claims the release of the long-awaited sophomore album from Panic At The Disco “Pretty. Odd.” Though this album may not be as circus-like as the previous album, the band’s return still leaves the same unique taste on your mouth.

This time around, the quartet has taken a more organic route rather than the electric shock in their debut album. Unlike A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out, lead guitarist Ryan Ross takes the microphone from lead singer Brendon Urie in songs like Mad as Rabbits, and Behind the Sea.

The first single, Nine in the Afternoon, may leave everyone perplexed but is reminiscent of the Beatles, who inspired the band’s music video. The intro We’re So Starving, vocalizes a formal apology for all listeners who waited 2 years for the band’s sequel. The next single to hit the airwaves, That Green Gentlemen, is all set for it’s debut on television since the band decided to shoot the video after the premiere of Nine in the Afternoon on February 10th of this year. Urie, Ross, Smith, and Walker have yet to reveal any information about the video but expect something big from the video and the album out tomorrow.

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