The Matches - A Band In Hope

The Matches - A Band In Hope The Matches new CD "A Band in Hope" is everything and nothing you would expect from them. While they stay with the same style of playful lyrics and odd note and voice patterns, it is nothing like they have done before.

Shawn Harris shows a different side of his voice and the band as a whole shows a different, more musically matured, side to the band. From jumpy and fun songs like "Who Let the Yankees in the Chip Shop?" and "Point Me Towards the Morning"; to more mellow tunes such as "Darkness Rising" and "Clouds Crash", they are making a statement that they have grown as a band and as people.

The Matches have really outdone themselves in the album, making even the most stubborn fans adore it. Even though they have gone a little more mellow from "Lazier than the Furniture" and "You Don't Know Me" from Decomposer, they show somewhat of a mixture of both their "Decomposer" and debut album "E. Von Dahl Killed the Locals" with the same crazy antics laced with a clouding of softness.

Overall, this is a album you can listen too without skipping tracks and will definitely restore your view of music.

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