Album Reviews

  • The Used - Shallow Believer

    The Used - Shallow Believer

    Have The Used used up all their good ideas on Shallow Believer compilation?

    March 25th, 2008 at 09:52am

  • Panic's "Pretty. Odd." is Pretty. Good.

    Panic's "Pretty. Odd." is Pretty. Good.

    Panic at the Disco spent 2 years concocting the perfect recipe for a successful sophomore album and... Does it taste good!

    March 24th, 2008 at 04:11pm

  • Panic At the Disco - Pretty. Odd.

    Panic At the Disco - Pretty. Odd.

    Overall, Panic has admittedly progressed in these past three years. It's the album nearly three years, two personnel changes, one punctuation mark, one completely scrapped effort and a total fundamental musical overhaul in the making.

    March 19th, 2008 at 11:23pm

  • Panic At the Disco - Pretty. Odd.

    Panic At the Disco - Pretty. Odd.

    The follow up to their debut of A Fever You can't Sweat Out, Panic At The Disco [without the exclamation mark] released Pretty. Odd. An album basically summed up by the title.

    March 20th, 2008 at 06:06pm

  • The Heroin Diaries Soundtrack

    The Heroin Diaries Soundtrack

    The Heroin Diaries Soundtrack. Nikki Sixx’s story as told by Sixx: A.M.

    March 16th, 2008 at 03:14am

  • KT Tunstall - Eye To The Telescope

    KT Tunstall - Eye To The Telescope

    KT Tunstall may not rock so loud it hurts, but trust me you'll love her when you buy this album.

    March 15th, 2008 at 02:32am

  • The Silent Enigma - Anathema

    The Silent Enigma - Anathema

    The first album after the departure of Darren White; and a truly individual album.

    February 24th, 2008 at 11:26pm

  • The Vision Bleak - Capathia: A Dramatic Poem

    The Vision Bleak - Capathia: A Dramatic Poem

    A key work of the Vision Bleak; and a true paragon of what gothic metal should be.

    February 24th, 2008 at 03:52pm

  • Good Charlotte - Good Morning Revival

    Good Charlotte - Good Morning Revival

    "Good Morning Revival" is yet another amazing album by the band Good Charlotte.

    February 21st, 2008 at 02:19pm

  • Fall Out Boy - Infinity on High

    Fall Out Boy - Infinity on High

    It is the follow up to Fall Out Boy's album From Under the Cork Tree, from 2005.

    February 7th, 2008 at 03:47pm