What Catch, Donnie : Review

What  Catch, Donnie : Review Folie a Duex will be Fall Out Boy's eighth album if you include Split, which they shared with Project Rocket in 2002, their cover of Michael Jackson's Beat It, and EP My Heart Will Always Be the B-Side to My Tongue. Fall Out Boy has already released three singles for the album, which is set to come out December 14th. This is the new release date after the band realized that putting the album out on election day almost made fun of such an important election.

The newest single from Folie a Duex is called What Catch, Donnie. This song brought me to tears with the beauty of the lyrics and the pure majestic sound of Patrick Stump's voice. When you add the music, it's mind blowing. No other song has been able to do that to me. Some people are comparing this song to one of their previous slower songs, Hum Hallelujah but What a Catch, Donnie is grander and somehow different. In my mind, this is the way their music should grow, just like them and showing who they are. Fall Out Boy shows their real originality and gradual growth and maturity musically through this song.

Just by their interviews, it seems a though Fall Out Boy is just as excited about this record as the fans are, and it really shows.

PS. Expect to hear some very familiar voices of the whole Fueled By Ramen/DecayDance crew.

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