The Download Festival '09 - Day 1

The Download Festival '09 - Day 1 Hollywood Undead: First time I ever saw this band. They were rather good. 6 MC's playing rock music, how cool? They were very original and lively.

The Blackout: Now, I don't really like this band, but their live show was brilliant. Ever so bouncy, and loud. And a right laugh. For a bunch of scrawny scene kids, they make one hell of a noise.

Staind: Bloody brilliant. Especially when it came to Paper Jesus, For You and, of course Outside. Outside got one heck of a response. Aaron was on top form, his voice flawless, and Mike looked like he was having one heck of a time.

Dir En Grey: I shall be completely honest, and not biased. Promise. They were AMAZING. Kaoru was being serious and Manri as per usual, but Die and Toshiya were having one hell of a time, throwing themselves around the stage and shouting to the crowd. Toshiya even stood on the front amps at one point, jumping about (How did he NOT die?). Kyo was, of course, fantastic. Just.. Wow. And the crowd. Amazing. EVERYONE was shouting and screaming along in word perfect Japanese. It was mind blowing.

Bring Me The Horizon: The second time I have seen this band live. The second time I have wanted to stab my ears with a screwdriver.

Lacuna Coil: Another great performance. Christina Scabbia has such a powerful voice, and works the crowd brilliantly. Our truth, Enjoy The Silence and Spellbound were their best songs. Just wow!

Korn: Truly epic. Jonathan has a fantastic voice, and plays the bagpipes brilliantly. And I must say his mic stand was amazing.

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