The Whomping Willows

The Whomping Willows Many may know The Whomping Willows (Whompy) from MTV's Wrock list as #10. But, in my own personal opinion, Whompy should be #1. My older sister introduced me to The Whomping Willows a while ago and I love ‘em. Matt Maggiacomo is very talented and expresses his love for Harry Potter in the view of a tree.

Matt has songs including The Whomping Willow’s love for Hermione. Of course, he is a tree. So, his love with Hermione can never be. An example of Whompy + Hermione is "I Found A Loophole". That song really shows the loving between the tree and the human girl. Also "My Own Kind" is about how he truly loves Hermione, but can't be with her due to the fact he is a tree. He really sticks to his character.

I just recently went to one of his concerts in New York at The Sidewalk Café. Whompy has recently been on a tour with Justin Finch Fleetchly and the Sugar Quills(JFF). Whompy came on shortly after JFF and was absolutely magnificent. Although Matt’s hand started bleeding he continued and played many amazing songs. He played most of his popular songs, and some new ones. I loved every second of it.

Whompy also has a very humorous beat to most of his songs, making them incredibly likable. If you truly are a music fan, Whompy is for you. Because Matt isn’t just any rock star, he is a Wizard Rock rock star!

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