You Don't Need To Hurl, It's Just Boys Like Girls

You Don't Need To Hurl, It's Just Boys Like Girls

A New Creation

Boys Like Girls, or as some call them “BLG”, was formed and founded in Boston, Massachusetts in 2005 by Martin Johnson, the band's lead singer and rhythm guitarist and John Keefe, the band's drummer. The band later added Bryan Donahue, the band's bass guitarist and Paul DiGiovanni, the band's lead guitarist. Martin Johnson’s first band was Fake ID/The Drive. In the long run he wanted to form a new band, and John was in a band, but his band was falling apart. Martin stepped in and asked John to join his new band where they could write their own music. The band's name, at first, was Lancaster. Along the way they changed the band's name to Boys Like Girls. The idea came into Martin's head. He was saying that “Boys Like Girls” should be their band name, but he only said it for a joke.

To his surprise, his band mates liked it and to this day this band is called Boys Like Girls. Becoming a rock star wasn’t easy; they had to start from the bottom like everyone else. On and, they posted online demos of their songs “The Great Escape” and an acoustic version of “Thunder”. After a year, their online demos had 1 million plays, topped the best top artists under the unassigned section and kept gathering thousands of friends on MySpace. When music producers Matt Galle and Matt Squire heard about this band, they were amazed. Immediately they called the band up for a recording demo and a tour with “A Thorn For Every Heart” and other major bands.

Family Matters

These punk rock rockers have their families very near and dear to their hearts. Martin Johnson’s mom was at a stage in her life where she was battling cancer. He couldn’t do anything but watch and pray for her to get better. Unfortunately, his mom lost the battle and died when Martin was only 16 years old. The band members themselves feel like a family. In fact John Keefe and Paul DiGiovanni are actual cousins. “It is very true. It’s kind of a crazy story because we found out that they were cousins after our first tour”, says Martin Johnson, from an interview on The boys like to bicker a lot with each other, even when it comes down to music. But at the end of the day, they become brothers at heart. These boys had ordinary childhood lives. Growing up with their families that support them along the way. When BLG is on tour, they miss their families back home and try their best to keep in touch.

Music, Music, Music!

When it comes to music, the boys are all over it like candy. Their influences are Jimmy Eat World, Blink 182 and other popular 1990’s rock bands. They like to listen to mostly any type of music that makes them feel a certain way. The band's own lyrics to their songs are written with lyrics of their personal lives, about people they know, love and lost. In the song “Dance Hall Drug” from the 2006 album “Boys Like Girls”, was inspired by Martin Johnson’s mom’s battle with cancer. Boys Like Girls released two albums: the 2006 album “Boys Like Girls” and the newly released 2009 album “Love Drunk”. The 1st album “Boys Like Girls”, sold about 500,000 copies and one of the albums three songs hit the Top 100 list. BLG is on the road a lot. On the band's first tour, Paul had to graduate high school before going on the tour. Paul’s principle agreed to let Paul graduate early after a talk with Paul’s dad. While on the road, the boys watch DVDs and think of new songs to write.

What’s Ahead?

Today, the boys are working on new songs to record. They recently teamed up with Taylor Swift to help her write and record some songs. Taylor Swift features on the Boys Like Girls new song “Two Is Better Than One”. These boys are non-stop at their work, especially when it comes down to recording and writing songs. The rest of their free time is spent having fun with each other or just relax and chill out. Boys Like Girls are one of today’s hottest bands. Fans are screaming for more and so should you. So don’t just sit there! Go out and buy one of their albums or download their songs! You won’t regret it.

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