Lostprophets - Newport Centre Review

Lostprophets - Newport Centre Review Well to say I had been excited for this concert would of been an understatement! I really couldn’t wait for the buzz of live music to hit me once more but this time would be even more special!

My last visit to a Lostprophets gig came up disappointing; not because of the band’s performance but because of it’s location (Birmingham) and my location (Back row balcony) I mean everyone knows you have to be on the floor with the crowd to enjoy a live band to the fullest, it’s all part of the experience!!

But not this time! I was situated right in the middle of it all!

First band on were ‘The Dead Formats’ a lively six piece from Essex, the Myspace research before hand promised a good performance which sadly didn’t come. It was quite a lively set but sounds were disappointing to say the least. The band didn’t actually announce themselves either which was maybe a good idea seeing their performance was lacking.

After a pretty disappointing start my expectations were pretty low. But support act ‘Young Guns’ really changed that! The energy coming from the band got everyone in the room moving.

The band really set the mood for a great night and were really friendly they interacted with the audience and just made the most of their set with every song.

Our very own Lostprophets hit the stage in the only way a band can with a home gig! The band were so relaxed and just sharing every moment with the crowd like it was their first time! Ian did very well for having a sore throat and didn’t stop making jokes and having fun.

With a few remarks about typical welsh behavior and the crowd only loving them for water, the friendliness and closeness with the band made everything feel so relaxed which you wouldn’t think could be done well at a rock gig but it really did make everything 100x better than it would of been if any other band did it.

An amazing night was had by all! One of the best bands I have ever seen live!

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