Not the Fighting Kind?

Not the Fighting Kind? Chances are, you've never heard of Fighting Kind, but if things go as planned, you will soon enough. Fighting Kind are a rock band from Queensland, Australia, and although vocalist Ryan Wilson and guitarist Simon Budge-Bicknell didn't take their previous musical persuits as seriously as they could have, Fighting Kind seems to be no joke. The band has recorded an album in Nashville that they're keeping very secret, releasing only one song to the public, as well as a teaser containing small fragments of the songs on their upcoming album. These guys are really trying hard to make it, and seem to be preparing to attempt to gain something that not enough Aussie bands try for-- success in the US.

This band has all the potential in the world. Their members are all musically gifted and the teaser sounded oh-so-promising. But when I heard "Broken Hinges", the one track that they'd put on their MySpace page, I couldn't help but be dissapointed. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't bad. It was simply mildly enjoyable. I'd listened to the teaser dozens of times, and my expectations were soaring. I was sure that I was going to hear the best song in the world.

While "Broken Hinges" is certainly listenable, it's a bit long, and has a strange feel to it, almost choppy. It's almost as if they took a brilliant song, cut it into pieces, and sewed it back together the wrong way.

Regardless, I'm still putting all my faith into Fighting Kind, simply because I know that they are capable of more. "Broken Hinges" could have been brilliant, and I'll be keeping an eye on these guys in case they come out with something to wow me. I suggest you do the same and keep an eye out for them, because chances are, you'll be seeing a lot more of them.

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