Anberlin Strikes Again

The raw beat of the electric guitar forms an unnerving melody. Shocked, yet curious, both headphones are held dearly to your ears as you’re engulfed in a world that, just a moment ago, was nonexistent. Just as you grow accustomed to the sound, another element is introduced to you-- words. Words that seem to have no correlation with the melody yet compliment it so efficiently, so well. Accompanied with the prominent yet shy drum pattern, the words gain flight and enter your atmosphere, helping the song do something most do not: it sings to you instead of at you.

The lovely melody is no longer strange-- it is warm, inviting, mysteriously intriguing--and your mind no longer rushes to identify the words and their meaning because the rest of the world has disappeared and all you know, for the next three minutes, is that one particular song.

I’ve always carried a craving for music. In fact, everything about music intrigued me-- the notes, the beats, the genius, and that is why I was truly struck when I first endured the musicality of Anberlin. At first, I was hesitant-- I didn’t really understand the conventions of this type of music, and the sound challenged me to listen. To listen to every word because that is when a song is not merely just a song, but the narrative voice to a life event you’ve once endured.

Sure, I am very much a complete stranger-- yet, reader, we are not necessarily strange enough because the idea of music connects us. So, I humbly ask of you, with the greatest of intent, to give this band’s newest album, Dark is The Way, Light is The Place, a listen.

Anberlin’s official website

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