The Godfathers of Punk Rock - Comments

  • The God Father of Punk is actually Iggy Pop originally. And I don't really think you can call Green Day necessary punk any more, yes they still have the, "fuck you we'll do whatever we want and we're against the status quo" vibe but their music as a whole in my opinion is not punk. It's more Alternative these days.
    July 19th, 2012 at 12:05pm
  • God Fathers of Punk Rock, maybe. But the way I see it is that it's just one Genera of rock. Even though I like Green Day, I find that other bands, a lot older bands are a lot better. Alice Cooper, Rolling Stones, The Who, the list goes on. But that's just rock music in general I'm talking about here. Smile
    July 19th, 2012 at 10:11am