The Silent Boy

The Silent Boy Using a child's understanding and stunning pictures, Lois Lowry writes another fantastic novel. Beginning in 1908, the story follows young Katy Thatcher as she grows up. Lowry describes her dream to become a doctor and to help those around her. The Thatcher family hires a helping girl named Peggy. They soon become quite involved with her family.

Her sister Nellie, who was quite a flirt, has the neighbor boy's baby, which is unheard of in that time. The baby is unwanted so Jacob, Nellie and Peggy's mentally challenged brother, takes the child and gives it to the the Thatchers. Sadly, the baby dies on its trip the other Thatcher household.

Katy and Jacob had what you could say a "growing friendship". When Jacob was caught delivering the baby he was then sent to the nearest mental institutation. Such a sad ending for some characters. I enjoyed this book very much and recommend it to readers of any age between ten and above. I am a fan of Lowry's work. I also recommend some of her other books including " Number the Stars", " The Giver", and " Gathering Blue."

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