Vampire Knight

Vampire Knight The manga, Vampire Knight, was written by Matsuri Hino. The same author as the series Meru Puri. Eight volumes are currently released in Japan.

The main characters consist of Yuuki Cross, the adopted daughter of Cross Gakuen, and also prefect protecting the secret of vampires. Her earliest memory was when she was 5, when she was saved by Kaname Kuran from a Level E vampire.

Kaname Kuran is a pureblooded vampire who is the head of both the Night Class and Moon Dormitory (which consists of vampires). It clearly shows that he was deep affections for Yuuki.

Zero Kiryuu, who's family was killed by a pureblooded vampire, detests all vampires. After the incident, he was taken in by the Cross Gakuen Headmaster, and is Yuuki's childhood friend. He keeps a secret that only the Chairman and Kaname Kuran know about.

Ten years after Yuuki Cross was saved by Kaname Kuran, she is a member of the Disciplinary Committee along with Zero Kiryuu. Yuuki grew up becoming a protector of the vampire race, while harboring a small crush on Kaname. But, Zero, is determined never to trust them after the incident concerning his family. Everything seems fine on the surface, but as you delve into this secret society, would the truth be so hard to bear? Would Kaname's love for Yuuki actually blossom, or is there a deeper meaning behind it?

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