
Twilight Twilight was recommended to me by a friend online. I bought it on my next trip to Waterstones, having been intrigued by the title. I got home and read the first few lines.

That was it, I was lost forever. Within days I had swept through Twilight and moved on to the next book New Moon. With this finished I stormed the bookshop for Eclipse, only recently released.

Holy Mother of God! The bookshop had a signed copy in store. My infatuation with the characters continued long after I'd put down the books. I went online and read every single article I could find relating in any way to the series. Golden news popped out of the pages. A film company had taken up Meyer's idea and was already in production! Twilight on the big screen.

I thought it had finished at the third book, but HALLELUJAH! 'Breaking Dawn' was the next book, although not yet out. And Meyer is planning on rewriting the first book from Edward's viewpoint.

Even now, weeks after I've read the books for a second time, the characters still push and shove for space in my head. Every emotion that Bella (the female lead) feels, is felt by me. Every move is echoed in my head. I can never write a vampire novel again without copying some aspect of Edward into my vampire, or some aspect of Bella into my heroine.

For those who find it hard to finish a book; fear not! Having preached the amazing qualities of the novel to any person I could lay my hands on, one of my best friends picked them up. Having only finished a few books in her life, and having done so incredibly slowly, it was a testament to Twilight's magnificence when she finished it in a week and moved on to the next immediately.

Not only does Twilight assault your mental capabilities but it storms your emotions too. Within turning the first page you are completely and utterly caught, a prisoner of Meyer's fantastic story telling.

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