The Fall, by Garth NIX

The Fall, by Garth NIX The Fall is set in a mystical world were Light is in great need, because of a veil which blocks out the sun, supposedly because it is too bright. Tal, our main character, is one of the Chosen, who live in the Castle where sunstones are kept and grown. When Tal’s father disappears, along with the family’s primary sunstone, Tal has to undertake a series of dangerous quests to find another before the Ascension, which is his mother’s last chance to become well again.

At first I thought the book to be hastily written, with little description and a lack of imagination in describing the landscape or creatures in the novel. The book ends on a cliff hanger, with minimal events having taken place in the plot.

However, if you look at the audience of the book, it is not for the 16 year old girl I am, but younger readers, so the text itself has a right to be less complicated than his other books. And considering that this is only the first slim book in a series of seven, not much can be expected of the plot yet.

I wouldn’t recommend this book to my age-group, simply because it is not written for us. I would recommend it to 8-12 year olds, perhaps younger readers if they are fairly confident.

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