The Dark Tower

The Dark Tower The final book leaves readers wondering several things. What will become of Roland and Susannah/Mia’s baby? Will the Crimson King finish off the ka-tet? Will Jake and Callahan make it out of the Dixie Pig alive? Will someone kill Walter/Flagg already? Will the last book be as epic as the others? And last but not least, will Roland reach his “god damn tower”?

The story picks up straight where Wolves of the Calla left off. Jake and Father Callahan are about to storm the Dixie Pig to battle the Crimson King’s servants to save Susannah from their clutches. After being transported to the other world in Fedic, Mia’s body has been physically separated from Susannah. She then gives birth to Mordred Deschain, the biological son of Roland and Susannah. The Crimson King is Mordred’s “co-father”, so the reader is not surprised when he turns into his monster form and turns on his mother. Susannah escapes, killing the King’s agents and wounding Mordred, she is then reunited with Jake and his faithful Billy Bumbler, Oy.

Walter/Flagg has dreams of grandeur. He plots to murder Mordred and use the birthmark on his heel to gain access to the tower.The infant slays him when he realises this.

Roland and Eddie recruit John Cullum, before leaving Maine for Fedic where the ka-tet is reunited. From here they travel to Thunderclap and then to Devar-Toi. It is here they stop the telekinetic group (the breakers) from using their powers to break away at the beams that support the Tower.

Not much more can be said about the plot of Stephen King’s last book without giving away the epic twists of it. But what can be said is that Roland finally reaches the “god damn” tower but what he finds there is not what we expected. The Ka-tet is broken in ways which break the reader’s heart. Walter finally gets what he deserves in the sickest way possible.

To sum this book, and pretty much the whole series up, it is amazing. It’s an epic in every sense of the word and everyone should chance it. Everyone should read of Roland and his ka-tet. Everyone should journey through Mid World to End World. We should all visit the Meijis and experience Roland’s love for Susan. We should all be there when Roland reaches the tower.

I really hope my reviews of these novels have done them justice.

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