Twilight: Not The Average Teenage Book - Comments

  • SelfishSuicide, you need to respect other people's opinions!

    Escape The Fate has opinions on this just like you do! Just because your opinions differ, it doesn't automatically make you right and her crazy!

    Why am I telling people off? =/

    Meh, this wasn't the greatest book series I've read. Not by a longshot! I've read much better. I think Stephanie Meyer adding her own touch to vampirism is admirably brave but I think she's made vampires seem too gentle with this whole 'glittering' thing and tried to make up for it with Edward repeatedly calling himself dangerous.

    I used to be rather fond of this series but since the entire thing got blown out of proportion and certain twilight fans began acting crazy I've shrugged my shoulders and thought "What's all the fuss about?" put the book down and backed away.
    March 3rd, 2009 at 08:03pm
  • I agree with Escape The Fate. Yeah, Bella knew that Edward was watching her while she slept, but if she was a normal teenager she wouldn't have been okay with that. If I knew that a guy was watching me while I slept I would be freaked out and I'd call the cops. And in my opinion, Stephanie Meyer is a horrible writer. In one part of the book Bella is making pancakes for her father (since she's just a GREAT daughter *sarcasm*) and then a couple of lines later it talks about Charlie eating out of a cereal bowl. I found many grammical errors in that book as well, and the way her senteces are put together, is both confusing and awkward. And anther thing that is annoying is how much she mentions "edward's beauty" in every five pages. Seriously, if you took all those descriptions out, the bok would be half it's size. And to SelfishSuicide, yes Edward is abusive. You can tell. He does control her and tells her to stay away from Jacob because he's "dangerous" even though he is just as dangerous. And just because Escape the Fate has a different opinion doesn't mean she's "crazy".
    March 1st, 2009 at 11:41pm
  • i totally agree with you, RUNTs and you, forgingjoy.... And Escape The Fate, you are clearly carzy. She KNEW he was watching her while she slept!!! Edward doesnt control her life at all!! He cant deny her anything, and of course he's overprotective!! She cant stay away from anything dangerous!!! And I love Stephenie Meyer, she is one of the greatest authors I have ever read, and Twilight is my FAVORITE vampire series.
    March 1st, 2009 at 06:58pm
  • Hell, i'm going to finish your blurb for you...
    it must be because of stephenie's meyers amazing talent, edward being perfect, or the fact your completely shallow and braindead... i choose C.

    February 27th, 2009 at 07:09am
  • Edward doesn't sound like 'the perfect boyfriend' to me.
    He watches her at night without her permission. That is stalkerish and creepy. It doesn't sound like a good boyfriend.
    He basically controls her life. It's nice to be overprotective but Edward basically controls her whole life.

    I think Meyers' did terrible at writing Twilight. The series was one of the worst vampire books I've ever read.
    February 27th, 2009 at 12:54am
  • I think that I, along with many others, agree with your opinion...the character of Edward Cullen is awesome!
    February 27th, 2009 at 12:14am