I Wanna Be Your Joey Ramone

I Wanna Be Your Joey Ramone This book is about a girl named Sara Black who lives in a small rural area in Wisconsin with her dad. Her mother left her and her father when she was a baby to follow the music. The story explains disfunctional families better than any book I have ever read. While dropping some major punk rock names.

I am a huge Ramones fan so you can only imagine how ecstatic I was to see this book. I was instantly deterred from reading it seeing the MTV logo on it, but I remained adamant in my obsession of the punk rock quartet and I bravely picked it up.

This book is so amazing it went right up to one of my favorite books. The way Stephanie Kuehnert illustrates how frustrating it is to grow up punk in a small rural town is something that everyone can relate to, but what really sets this book apart from every other coming of age story are the band names she drops. She gives props to bands that have influenced punk since its beginning. Bands like Social Distortion, Patti Smith, The Clash, and of course most notably The Ramones.

I would definitely encourage any self-proclaimed music lovers to pick up this book it is truly an original work of art.

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