Blood Promise - Vampire Academy Book Number Four

Blood Promise - Vampire Academy Book Number Four The wait is almost over! On August 25th, 2009, Blood Promise (the fourth Vampire Academy book by Richelle Mead) will be released in book stores everywhere! In this book Rose has left school right before graduation with her (Dhampher, half vampire half human. Dhamphers are told that only they matter, meaning only Moroi matter and they must do whatever it takes to protect them. They are guardians) powers, she is going to try to save her one true love, Dimitri from being a Strigoi, an evil vampire breed that has super strong strength and a thirst for Moroi blood.

Or has she gone after him to become a Strigoi herself so she can possibly spend the rest of her life with the man she loves? Rose will do anything to be with her love, even if that means leaving her best friend, Lisa, whom she has an unbreakable bond with letting her sometimes go into Lisa’s mind and experience her life. She has saved Lisa countless times with this unique happening and will no doubt probably use it again in this soon to be released book.

Blood Promise is the book after Shadow Kiss and another exciting trip into the world of Moroi, full blood vampires that have magical powers (Water, Earth, Fire, Wind, and Spirit - the newly discovered Moroi power). Moroi feed off the blood of humans, or Dhamphers.

You can pre-order this book now .

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