Maximum Ride: School's Out - Forever

Maximum Ride: School's Out - Forever Maximum Ride. Avian-Human Hybrid; 2% bird. Who, incidentally, can also fly at over 200mph.

A born leader.

And her flock. All Avian-Human hybrids, all with other supernatural talents besides wings. Gazzy, who can mimic any voice or noise, Nudge, who can sense emotions through what other people have touched, Angel, who can read minds, Iggy, who can still see with his senses regardless of the fact that he’s blind, and Fang, who is, according to Max, a “snappy dresser,” who doesn’t believe in ‘forgive and forget’ when it comes to liquefying Erasers. And Max’s second in command.

They’re all fighters; when you’re constantly running for your lives, you have to be. As the results of a messed up experiment, the 2% avian DNA grafted into their cells marks them out as different, as unique, but the other 98% makes them just normal kids. Normal kids who don’t know the meaning of normal, who were separated from their families at birth and wish, more than anything, that they can each find their parents and live life in a normal home.

'This sucks!' Iggy shouted suddenly, his voice echoing off the glass storefronts. He punched a telephone pole in front of him, hitting it accurately. He winced, and I saw the scraped skin and bloody knuckles.
'I'm sorry, Ig-' I began.
'I don't care if you're sorry!' Iggy shouted at me. 'Everyone's sorry! That doesn't matter! What matters is that we find where we belong!' He walked angrily away from us, his boots kicking up stones in the parking lot. 'I mean, I just can't take this anymore!' he yelled, waving his arms and heading back to us. 'I need some answers! We can't just keep on wandering from place to place, always on the run, always hunted...' His voice broke, and we all looked at him in shock. Iggy hardly ever cried.
I went over and tried to put my arms around him, but he pushed me away.
We all want answers, Iggy,' I said. 'We all feel lost sometimes...'

But until then, they’ve got Max. Max who cares for them, who patches up the cuts on their knees, who tucks them in at night and who always finds the next meal (even if she’s the world’s worst cook), and who constantly keeps them on their toes, keeping the whole flock safe from the scientists, Erasers, and risk of going back to The School.

However, there’s something else that Max has to deal with on a day to day basis too – she has a voice in her head. A voice that gives advice that she doesn’t want, that, essentially, wants her to save the world.

‘You've got a date with destiny. Don't be late.’

Yes, she’s got quite a lot of things to do, Max does.

Very well told story. Short, action filled chapters keep the plot line racing, and the sardonic humour and comical style of narrative will keep you sniggering out loud even when you’re reading under the duvet with a torch in the early hours of the next day.

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