D.J. MacHale's Pendragon: Books 1-3

D.J. MacHale's Pendragon: Books 1-3 D.J. MacHale was raised in Greenwich, Connecticut and found himself early in the career writing for ABC After-school Specials. His next big hit would come with the Nickelodeon series: Are You Afraid of the Dark? One of his more commonly recognized productions was the movie Tower of Terror starring a young Kirsten Dunst and Steve Guttenberg.

After many year of success, he found himself wanting more, he started the Pendragon series. This highly liked series is the first one that MacHale had written.

The first book, The Merchant of Death, began the story a young boy that was destined to save our world along with many others. This young boy Bobby, must pair up with his uncle to save the many different worlds in our universe.

In the Merchant of Death, Bobby must save a world that stuck in the medieval times. The only problems are the large bear-like creatures, the rules that must be followed at all times, and the evil traveler Saint Dane.

The second book picks up where the first one ended; the Lost City of Faar is a storyline that takes Bobby to a world made completely made up water, Though the first two book a clear and easy victories for Bobby the third one is the complete opposite. The Never War takes Bobby to the second Earth, a world that is the past of present day Earth. The difficulties come from the fact that in this world for Bobby to win he must let several die.

As long as D.J. MacHale keeps the intensity up, I predict that this series will be the enjoyment for many.

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