The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks

The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks I just read that book and let me tell you it is officially one of my favorite books out of all Sparks' books. I can honestly say it made me cry for at least 20 minutes and laugh for 15 minutes. Sparks is one of my favorite writers and well this book was completely different from what I expected. I laughed, cried and I actually jumped out of my seat at the last two pages.

Sparks is one of those unique writers that can incorporate Death, life and Love in one novel. sure you can say the same about his other books but this one stood out for me. After reading Dear John I thought that it was enough and that I didn't expect any of Sparks' other books to effect me the way it did. A Walk to Remember's movie was the first romance movie I ever watched and it took my breath away literally. I had always thought I hated romance movies, books and well anything to do with romance in general. Sparks' work changed my mind profoundly. The book revolves around 17 year old Veronica 'Ronnie' Miller's summer after being forced by her mother to spend the summer in North Carlina with her father. Meeting Will Blakelee and Marcus, Blaze was just the beginning. As slowly but surely the events that turn her life upside down start to unfold.

Starting The Last Song, I figured it like most of Sparks' books would end with the leading characters splitting up. When I read the last two pages and found out that Will came to New York I literally jumped out of my seat screaming " Oh my god!!" earning me a skeptical look from my cousin. The chapters that described Steve's battle with cancer and Ronnie's regret in treating her father the way she did were one of the most amazing in the book. As for Galadriel I was secretly glad she finally realized the truth about Marcus and patched things up with her mom after the accident. It was touching to find out that Ronnie perfected her father's song and that he got to see both the Church Window get installed, as well as hear his last song.

Granted that when Steve died I cried but it made the book seem much more realistic for me reminding me that life isn't always perfect. I do not think I could choose a favorite character as they were all portrayed so amazingly perfect, almost lifelike really. Between Will and Ronnie and Galadriel and Marcus, Megan, Jonah, Scott, Ashley, Cassie and Steve, Kim, The Blakelees and various other characters. I do not think I could ever single out a character. Even reading about the turtles affected the way I felt about the novel. All in all I highly recommend that anyone interested in reading this book to read it. It is the kind of book that can make you eyes water and your lips form an unconscious smile. Trust me, from the minute you start this novel, you will not want to put it down.

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