The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner

The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner The setting is Seattle, with Riley's - excuse me - Victoria's motley crew of newborn vampires all bred for the sole purpose of destroying Bella Swan (and, by extension, the Cullens). Not that they know that, of course. As the majority of them are all newborn vampires, not very controlled of their actions as we know from the Twilight series, it comes as a surprise that Bree Tanner has enough control not to square up over a... meal, if you will.

From the start, Bree Tanner reads a bit like a re-hash of Bella, only as a newborn vampire with more of a backbone, so to speak. Her attitude towards things does seem a bit Bella-like in essence, but she tends to be much more straightforward about things. However, like Bella, Bree seems to rely on others and has some pretty vague ways of describing things.

Now, keep in mind we are following Bree Tanner's last week of "life." She's been a vampire for about three months now so don't be too annoyed by the lack of her life before becoming a vampire. After all, all we need to know is that she's a vampire with no clue she's supposed to be destroying anyone.Well, outside of regular hunting that is.

While not a die-hard fan of the Twilight Series, as it is rather painful for me to read, Bree Tanner is also in that line. Sure die-hards may want to know what Bree was thinking in her last moments - Why did Edward want to help her? So on and so forth - but the best part of the story is the end. Which is honestly rather sad.

As the end is the high point of the tale of Bree Tanner, the rest of the story is mainly insight on what it's like to be a newborn through the eyes of one. It also divulges some more information about the Volturi (or confirms it, for most). It's only a worthwhile read for those Twilight fans who want to know more about such.

For most, you'll find the story is done rather halfheartedly and lacks in substance.

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