Hush, Hush

Hush, Hush My friend Ana has introduced me to a book called Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick. The cover of the book is beautiful and that is also why I read it. I do judge by the cover and if you were one of those people, I highly recommended this book.

This book not only looks interesting, but it has so many mysteries. Hush, Hush takes you into the life of average Nora, or maybe not so average considering she never felt attracted to a guy, until she meets Patch, her new biology partner. Patch is a beautiful, dark, and a mysterious guy. He knows so much about Nora that Nora doesn't. Though Nora fights against the thought of him, she can't help but want to know him.

This seems like your average hate/love relationship, it is more than that! Someone is lurking there in the dark trying to kill Nora. Who is it? The phantom was also there in her bedroom window. The horror and fear is eating up Nora. She can't help but to think it's Patch. They both have the same dark eyes...

Throughout the book how everything is explained made me read through the whole night though I had finals the next day. Like Nora, I too wanted to know the buried secrets. I wanted to know so badly about the secret I had the urge to look at the last page. It gave away nothing.

While reading the story I had many assumptions of who the killer might be. The story took complete twists. For some reason I didn't want Patch to be the killer. His attitude makes him seem in every which way like one though. I personally loved this story. If I had a list of my favorite books this is definitely on the list. I thought this was much better than Twilight. This book actually had me reading through the whole night! It took me two days to read the book and normally I am a slow reader. As the author got in detail of suspense every movement around me would make me jump or flinch. The author has drawn a hope/wish from my childhood that there was angels looking out for me too.

Hush, Hush has a sequel too! But it's coming Oct 19, 2010. I'm anxious to read it. The sequel is Crescendo.

If your bored this summer or just needs an adrenaline rush in a book, I suggest you read this one :)

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