Evermore or Never Again?

Evermore or Never Again? Evermore is the story of a girl named Ever Bloom. A normal teenager who gets into a terrible car accident with her parents, sister and dog. They all die, leaving her alive and alone. She thinks she is normal but finds out she now has psychic powers allowing her to read people's aura's, thoughts and see into their memories by making contact with their skin. She feels as though her life will never been normal again when she moves to California to live with her aunt and starts a new life.

Everything feels so unnatural until she meets Damen, a mysterious and unbelievable gorgeous guy who starts to go to her high school. Ever finds it odd when she finds out she cannot read his mind or see his aura. When things feel like a turn for the best, trouble finds Ever and she fights to save herself and the ones she loves.

If you didn't like Twilight, chances are you will probably like this one. There aren't any sparkly vampires but something else. I don't want to give it away so I'll let you read and find out on your own. Beware this book is the first of Alyson Noel's series The Immortals; she has written three more to follow and another one coming in November. This book is an enchanting story about two people who are in love.

I highly recommend it to all girls, boys if you want to read it I encourage you to as well. It's a very good story line and keeps you reading wanting to know more. Don't write it off because you think it's a cheesy love story though. The way I describe it may sound like that but it's more complicated than it seems. The story goes on to be more adventurous and Ever must discover the truth about her past and her present.

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