Before I Fall

Before I Fall There is absolutely nothing new about teen novels. There have been possibly over a thousand written and not one has a different scenario. There's the girl: unhappy with the way she looks, she likes the guy who she has to fight to get or realise she likes and then it turns out he liked her all along and then... Well, you get the idea. But this is a teen novel as far away as you can get from the cliché of teen novels.

Sam is one of the most popular girls at her school. Sam has a wonderful boyfriend. Sam has the best friends ever. Sam is dead. Or so she thinks.

Being dead isn't all she expected and it seems she thought she would get the easy way out. But she was wrong. Waking up late for school on the same day for a week is a bit odd. Okay, extremely odd. And yet nobody else seems to notice. Nobody seems to notice she's dead.

This book is so cleverly written that you're as confused as Sam as she becomes more and more involved in finding out what she really lived for and should live for, and if she should really be alive. It's a moral dilemma; a lot deeper than the traditional "girl book."

A real page turner, not cheesy like you might think, filled with gritty secrets and slimy lies - before i fall will leave you wondering what you would do with only a week to spare.

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