Stormfront- Starting the Series

Stormfront- Starting the Series Now the Dresden files may just be the best series of books that I have read in my entire life and trust me, Ive read my share. The Dresden files start with the book Stormfront and the series is about a man named Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden. Oh yeah, he's a wizard. The whole series revolves around the life of Dresden, Karrin Murphy and Dresden's girlfriend Susan. Stormfront basically introduces the fact that Dresden is a P.I and uses his talents of being a wizard to solve crimes for Chicago P.D.

The synopsis is simple; two people murdered,their hearts ripped from their chests.
Dresden takes some leads, including a woman named Monica Sells, he discovers people dealing in magic- black magic and begins to put a stop to it, as we lead towards the end of the novel Dresden pieces everything together but can he solve the case without having his own heart ripped out?

Stormfront for me was a huge surprise, if I'm honest with you, I didnt even buy the book at first, nor did I get it from a Library, I asked my friend If he had any good books and he gave me stormfront, I read the synopsis on the back cover and I almost laughed, it sounded almost pathetic to me. I wasnt going to say anything that nasty to my friend though so I decided I would take it home and go on the internet and read a basic gyst of the story, instead I got bored and ended up reading it.

It is so nice to be surprised, let me tell you, you will find the best literature when you're not even looking for it.

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