A Real Vampire Novel: Salem's Lot

A Real Vampire Novel: Salem's Lot Salem's Lot didn't quite look like anything special when I first picked it up if I'm frightfully honest, however it turned into a brilliant exciting book. Salem's Lot is a town where people simply die, only a boy and a man survive the town's wrath, fighting vampires isn't that easy.
This novel isn't new, it was written in the seventies and yet, King brings in modern language and a storyline that spits in the face of Stephanie Myer's Twilight series. The real vampires. Kill them with a stake to the heart and sunlight makes them burn.

What makes this novel particularly effective is its use of point of view changes, the book is written in third person however the chapters revolve around the characters for example Matt or Ben or Susan.

Once again, not for the first time, King makes me feel close to the characters and when one of the characters meets their end my gasp is audible. The book is the best of the Stephen King books to date and is one of those books you could sit down to and read all day long.

The vampires and the evil personas actually impress me, they don't come off as a silly Bond villain type, they come off as the type of villain that you actually wonder if you can defeat.
The book is your guide to survival against vampires in Salems Lot, don't lose it.

My rating:

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