The Lord of the Rings

Yeah, watching a three hour movie can be quite terrible, but then again, it all depends on the movie itself.

First off, the story line itself was from a book. Yes, a book. That's wehre practically half the movies (and television shows) now come from. But half the movies now-a-days are all mixed up and turned into a modern day setting. What makes the Lord of the Rings different is that it just stays consistent with the book and doesn't rush to show an ending to it all. The ending of the last movie seemed to take so long, but I'm glad. It wasn't rushed and it didn't JUST end or stop at destroying the ring. It shows the aftermath and how peace was restored and everything else in between.

Second, you have to remember that the first movie (The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring) was made in 2001. 2001, people, where we were JUST starting our age of cell phones and iPods and all that crazy stuff. So, just imagine the amount of work and imagery that had to put into this movie. No other things to look back on, no one to tell them what everything looks like. All they had were the books and that was it! So, if you could just see the amount of detail and graphics they designed and put into the movie, you would know it took them a lot of time and effort to do this. This is one of the few things I find in any movie. The amount of graphic put into it is just crazy... and how do the actors know what to do and where to do it and HOW to do it?

The actors of this movie are just another small thing along with this. The director didn't just pull up a whole bunch of famous people just so it could be even more recognized. No. Instead, he put them to the test. He obviously chose people who would look best at the part and who knew the characters at some level. Orlando Bloom, who played Legolas, and Viggo Mortenson, who played Aragorn, were two people that I believe must've had the hardest time to act out. You've got to understand, Legolas was born to be shooting bows and arrows around, so Orlando had to make it seem like he's an expert on that sort of thing. Aragorn is just a true ranger and swordsman, so Viggo had to be trained and well taught before doing anything else.

Not only do they have to fit the part, but they had to stay through ALL three movies as well. First off, if you switch the actors in between the movies, it would look bad. Second, the amount of work they had to do was probably annoying and overbearing. Hopefully, they got paid well

So, I guess the acting and the graphics is what really made the movies so likeable, but then again what else is there? What else is added to a movie to make it so addicting to watch? Of course, there's the fact that people would like to see some of it happen in real life, but then again, who are we kidding?

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