
Eclipse As the third installment of the Twilight series began, suspicions raised from the ending of New Moon finalized into fact. All wasn't well in Bella and Edward's world. Victoria, who appeared in the first book, has returned to avenge her love, James, and if after Bella, so that Edward would feel her pain. At the same time, Seattle is bombarded with mysterious, seemingly-vampire related murders that puts an atmosphere of panic and mystery throughout the entire novel.

And, as if all these weren't enough, Bella still has to come to grips with the fact that she couldn't be friends with a werewolf while being in love with a vampire. Edward's absence and Jacob's presence in New Moon convinced her that she couldn't live without both, which is made harder than the reality that they loathe each other with a passion.

Basically, Eclipse finishes off what New Moon's cliffhanger ending left, and also has quite a few interesting things that the previous books didn't. For one, both Edward and Jacob play an important role, with more interaction between the two to keep readers on edge, then Meyer's followers finally find out about Jasper's past and a whole lot more about the werewolves in general, and an in-depth look into what might actually happen if Bella is finally turned into one of the Cold Ones.

And yet, though Eclipse wasn't a bad read, it fared as the worst book in the series. Why? Meyer seems to have wanted to develop her characters more, but in the process ruined the first impressions she left on a reader in the past two novels. They seem to have gone out of character in the process, which was the opposite of making them seem like real people. Also, though there is a lot of worrying, a lot of planning, and a lot of backstory, all the action is left for the very end which almost kills the suspense that Meyer may have been going for.

All in all, Eclipse is an okay book in general, but if compared to its predecessors, it, unfortunately, doesn't measure up.

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