Blue Like Jazz

Let's face it, Christianity and Christians in general have been given a bad reputation these days, but Donald Miller brings a new, easy to understand, concept to Christians and their ideals.

In Blue Like Jazz, Miller describes the every day issues and struggles with Christianity and what it means to be a Christian throughout his life, pouring out his thoughts on different Christian beliefs. They are almost like parables from the Bible: relatable and simple to understand. For example, he wrote a "children's story" about Don the Rabbit who chased Sexy Carrot all over the world when finally he caught her, but choked and died. The moral(s) of the story? "If you work hard, stay focused, and never give up, you will eventually get what you want in life," and "What we want most in life will kill us."

What's the main point of the 'parable'? As humans, we like/dislike to do things we love or hate. If you try to love and strive for something without God's help, it will never happen. Do you think you're a nice person? Try going a whole day, even a few hours without thinking a single negative thought. I'll tell you now that it's pretty impossible.

Not only do his stories and experiences make this book relatable, his writing also makes you feel as if you two were having a conversation (a deep one at that) over a Subway sandwich or something, like you've known each other for years. It isn't complicated; it's easy to read and understand his points exactly. I found it relaxing.

As a Christian myself, I agree with what he says and feel like he is putting my faith into words. I believe this is extremely hard to do because this isn't something that is taught in Sunday school or church services by the pastor's message. It's a talent, a gift. So, overall, I applaud the writing, material, insight, and Don Miller himself for writing such a soulful and passionate book made of essays.

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