Fifty Shades Of Grey: Maybe It Should Have Stayed Fanfiction? - Comments

  • I attempted to read my mom's copy and couldn't get past the twenty fourth page, lmfao.
    I do agree that it is great she managed to get fan fiction published, because that rarely ever happens, but it should have probably stayed fan fiction.

    You did a fabulous job on this article, love.
    October 5th, 2012 at 03:17am
  • Don't want to read it. Never have, never will.

    Great article. :) I like that you broke the books down by the characters and the plot. It sounds like they failed in both categories.
    September 23rd, 2012 at 06:25pm
  • Very well-written review! Never intended to read Fifty Shades, and now I definitely don't want to.
    August 9th, 2012 at 04:17pm
  • What ruined the book for me was the references to her "inner goddess." Seriously, wtf does that even mean? It just sounds so asinine.
    July 29th, 2012 at 02:20am
  • I totally agree. My mum has the trilogy (cringe) and I thought I'd read some of it to see why everyone was freaking out over it. All through it, I couldn't help but make comparisons to Twilight and that was before I even knew it started life as a Twilight fanfiction.

    Great review :)
    July 24th, 2012 at 11:58am
  • I think for a lot of people the "fanfiction" turned novel will get them interested enough to buy it. I'm really glad I read this article. To be honest, I'm way out of the loop and haven't heard much about these books at all, though I believe a friend mentioned it to me once (a friend had convinced her to read it as well). I don't have a doubt in my mind that my opinions would probably be very similar if I ever took the time to read them. Maybe if I see it in the library sometime and I'm absolutely bored out of my mind I will check it out just for curiosity's sake, but if they are exactly like the Twilight characters (even if it were just their personalities, not even appearance-wise since I tend to make up my own anyways) I would have to pass. Bella and Edward are perhaps two of the most dull characters I've ever come across and I certainly don't want to meet them again in a new series. Thank you for the great review (:
    July 24th, 2012 at 10:48am
  • THANK YOU so much! My sister convinced me to start reading Fifty Shades and I didn't even finish the first chapter before turning to my husband and saying "This reminds me of Twilight without vampires."
    I agree with you completely!
    July 24th, 2012 at 03:28am
  • Yesterday I was at my library and I was just curious about how many people had checked it out and if there were any copies left, so I checked the catalog: 32 copies checked out and none left. There was an audiobook for reference, though.

    Never bought into the hype, heard almost exclusively bad things about it. No interest. When the hype dies down maybe I'll get it from my library for a good laugh.
    July 23rd, 2012 at 03:38am
  • I heard about it when it was first published, never thought much of it, but then people all over Mibba and Tumblr started talking about it, and just NO. I think I wanted to read it at first, and I'm so glad I didn't. I even warned my mom not to read it. Lol.

    I think it should've stayed a fanfiction, honestly.

    v; LOL I just laughed at that last line in your comment XD
    July 23rd, 2012 at 12:17am
  • I haven't read the book, but I've had several people tell me things about it and someone mentioned that within the first chapter or so Anastasia is brought up a level by the elevator at "terminal velocity."
    Does the author know she just killed her character off?
    July 22nd, 2012 at 07:50am
  • This is an excellently written review :) My friend and I were considering checking it out from the library just to see what it was all about, and well, now I know xD From the sound of it, I doubt we'll make it through the first chapter, but at least we know what we're up against.
    July 22nd, 2012 at 06:55am
  • I have been hearing that this book isn't worth reading and now that I've read your article and a few more I honestly don't have an interest in reading it anymore. I don't want characters just like the ones in Twilight, especially not Bella. I want characters I would have to decipher apart, even if they are works of fanfiction.
    July 22nd, 2012 at 02:27am
  • Fanfiction has been published in the literary world for years. Published fanfiction is nothing new. The Looking Glass Wars series by Frank Beddor, Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, Pride, Prejudice & Zombies. Etc etc. There are retellings of all sorts of stories. Published fanfiction is nothing new and I don't think that book is a reason there's a line between fanfiction and published fiction because fanfiction has always been there. Maybe this was just an example of not getting it right, like original fiction authors do sometimes as well (The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown).
    July 22nd, 2012 at 12:54am
  • I think it's like twilight, just alot on the darker side.
    even though S.M made twilight out to be dark when it's really not.
    but, i like both of them. so i'm not really fussed.
    well done anyway. =)
    July 21st, 2012 at 07:43pm
  • Thanks so much for doing a review of the book! In the last few days I've only heard of the book title and was completely lost. To be honest I was curious, because some of the stuff I was hearing was also poking fun at the book. Now I know why and know that I'm definitely not going to read the book. I've read Twilight and it really wasn't my favorite thing ever. Due in part to characters' personalities and writing. So yeah, once again, thanks for making such a well written review that wasn't wishy-washy about the book. Awesome. =)
    July 21st, 2012 at 07:37pm
  • Hahahah I complain about repetitiveness then say "I can't stop reading" twice. This is what happens when I don't read through what I wrote.
    July 21st, 2012 at 05:56pm
  • I'm too lazy to read all this and I couldn't care less about Twilight but this book is awfully written yet I can't stop reading. There is some genuinely good writing in it but all the HORRID writing is just so off-putting and you forget about the parts that are actually good. Christian and Anastasia are also both just awful. It's the most repetitive shit I've ever read. Yet I can't stop reading.... over half way through now. Think this might be the first book I've actually finished since I was about 12. (I get easily bored).
    July 21st, 2012 at 05:55pm
  • Amazing review! Well done.
    July 21st, 2012 at 04:46pm
  • I'm glad I read this article before I went out tomorrow and bought the books. I've been interested because of all the hype saying its "so well written" and I'm really into the BDSM erotica books but now that I've read this I'm not gonna waste the money. Her idea had some merits but sadly another publisher bought into the money train and published something that was less than perfect.
    July 21st, 2012 at 10:32am
  • Man, I wish I'd read this before I spent the money on the book. Oh well, I'll end up reading it anyway, just because I'm curious. This was a great article, girly. I'm proud of you. :)
    July 21st, 2012 at 05:01am