Fifty Shades of Grey

After seeing many memes, social media pictures and jokes about Fifty Shades of Grey, I decided to finally take it up and see what the hype was all about. I knew no background knowledge about the book except maybe it was erotic from all I've been seeing about. So a little synopsis into the book, it's basically about an innocent girl, Anastasia Steels, that's about to graduate college melting over mysterious Christian Grey who is a handsome rich guy that she interviews for her friend. Their relationship starts there and then he reveals his dark kinky secret to her.

First off, I would like to inform you guys that I am NOT reading the book. I am using the audio book form. My best suggestion is to actually read it because you'll get to imagine the characters more (fill in the details of the character that is missing) and better understanding. And also, in till now I didn't know it was a fan fiction of the Twilight saga in till I readthis review of the book on Mibba.

I haven't finished the book yet, but I'm in the middle. I feel unmotivated to continue on. For the most part, I think it's because of the characters. Even without knowing about its relationship to Twilight I felt the characters to be very similar and hated it. The girl who can't accept her beauty and how she takes not interests to guys in till Christian. Also Christian that thinks of himself as evil and is mysterious. Sounded too familiar or maybe it was a coincidence that just a few nights ago I made myself watch Twilight again in hopes that it was me being pressured to hate wasn't. It just sucked.

Also I'm discouraged to finish the book because I feel that actions of the characters are just so...generic. Of course the dirty secret was a bit different but at the bottom of my heart predictable, the fact that Ana was so innocent while the male was not the least was very generic. Then again, what could I say about a book that'll focus on sex? Of course they would make the male lead very knowledgeable in that area. Christian Grey was generic too of how he approaches Ana and what he does for and to her. Oh, and the whole thing about Christian being powerful and want to always to being control of things...what was that about. His contract went a bit too farfetched and demanding for something he'll be enjoying most out of excluding his bank account.

My last con of the book is the stupid dialect that repeats throughout the book. I mean would the girl just stop biting her damn lips when he asked for the millionth time?!? It got annoying when he asked her to stop for the 20th time and her reactions to blush madly. Sure the author was trying to build up some kinkiness, but come on. It's like getting tolerant to drugs; you'll need something more for the same affect after a while. And not being a fan of the word "baby" in a sexual way it annoyed me during the sex scenes. Really, "baby, give it to me" or whatever Christian said. If you could see my face, it would be a serious dulled face right now like watching cheap porno.

You might be wondering what I did like about the book...well I don't know what I liked about the book. But for the most part, I am proud that someone has finally grown balls to write what a women's deep desires/what she wants during sex down and what a cheesy romance a woman would've desired.

Thus, this book was for me a disappointment. I feel that if you've got time to spend and you don't mind Twilight without vampires, here you go! And if the movie does come out, I will still be attending just because... on second thought if Kristen Stewart or Robert Patterson is going to be in it, count me out.

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