“V for vendetta” by Alan Moore

“V for vendetta” by Alan Moore Wrote in the 80's by an anarchist comic writer named Alan Moore, it was based on the future rise of fascism. This terrible future was based in the late 90's in England after the cold war in witch the world’s crop and life stock have been nearly destroyed by nuclear war. This causes fear in the hearts of the people and they shelter under the wings of a neo-fascist group named “Norsefire”. This group was made up of the remaining business men after the fall of the government and a group of radical nationalists.

The story begins with a young 16 year old girl whose parents have been killed in the English equivalent to concentration camps “resettlement camps” (to be explained in further detail later on). For this reason the orphan is forced into under world prostitution. On her first attempt of selling of her earthly goods she is stopped by a group of police, now called “Finger men”. They do the work of fingers for the super computer “fate”. This is a high grade law offence and the finger men (now under marshal law) try to rape and kill her for her unlawfulness. These men are soon stopped by an odd man dressed in black so that none of his body may be seen. On his head he wears a wig and on his face he wears the smiling face of a theatrical performance. This man comes forward and kills 3 of the men saves the girl and gets away all in the space of time it takes him to quote a scene from a play. Later we learn his name is V.

He brings the girl away with him and soon she sees the houses of parliament blown up and written in the sky his symbol “V” in a circle. This is the first of many things that “codename V”, as the Finger men call him, does. He soon throws the fascist regime into chaos and stops the super computer fate. From the name fate the party norsefire decided to give the supper computer limbs by naming parts of the government after it. The audio systems picked up from recorders put around the country and the people who work with them are named the “ear”. The cameras put around the country with the recorders and there workers are called the “eye”. The crime scene investigators are and there base of work are called the “nose”. The pro-government television shows that are seen are called the “face”. The radio man whose musical voice is named the “voice”. All these are seen as parts of this super computer “fate”.

This terror does not end there as not only do they control the lives of the populace but also attack the minorities. In this land they have created a new form of concentration camp in witch they put blacks, Jews and in my eyes more inlightingly the gays. This was the area witch created V. He was a man who was put into one of the concentration camps and for that reason went insane after being put under hormone testing and being locked into a dark dap cell with nothing to do but to read the note of a lesbian named Valerie.

In this story we see how easily any country could fall into fascism and how easily many minorities could be shunned. After reading this book I have thrown aside any prejudice towards gays or Jews. One is left after this book with a felling of enlightenment and I personally have read book four times since Christmas.

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