Chicken Boy - "A Chicken Don't Got a Soul"

Chicken Boy - "A Chicken Don't Got a Soul" I'd tell you to meet Tobin McCauley, but he'd probably just think you're another fart blower who lives in just another shiny suburban home. See the world through Tobin's eyes, and you will find yourself with some of the strangest characters around.

His grandma is the one who cares for him best but she manages to get arrested after driving like the mad woman she is, and her 1984 Toyota, Bessie, is pretty thankful for that. Tobin's mother is gone, killed by lung cancer, some five years ago, but nobody has confronted the cold reality of her death. Daddy is hardly ever around, but things could be better if he was, considering they can't possibly get any worse. Shane, Summer, and Patrick, are Tobin's siblings, if you want to get all technical.

And then there is Henry, who rescued Tobin from an untimely death, caused by Cody Peters. "No man is an island - every man is part of a continent" - according to Henry. Henry is a world class talker, thinker, dreamer, whatever has to do with creativity and speaking what is on the mind.

When things get pretty much unbearable at home, Henry gives him a distraction. Chickens. Tobin has never handled a chicken, he has never been around any chickens with the exception of his grandma's, that she happens to kill for her dinner on a regular basis. But Henry swears chickens will help him discover the world. Plus, if he does a presentation for Mr. Peabody the science teacher, he'll get extra credit.

Henry and Tobin set up a coop for his five chickens, one of which lays green eggs, and the rest is history. Ok, no, not really, Tobin is at first uneasy around his chickens, weirded out by Henry, and cannot take his grandma's and father's bickering, but it is all part of becoming who he is - the one and only Chicken Boy.

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