The Murder of Bindy Mackenzie

The Murder of Bindy Mackenzie I have never spoken to Bindy but I'm sure that behind her extremely annoying personality she is a wonderful human being.

Bindy Mackenzie talks like a horse.

You have words in your head that would be too long to fit in anyone else's head! Because you have such a HUGE HEAD! Just kidding... (Kind of)

Bindy Mackenzie is an over-acheiving "genius girl." She never hands her work in when it's less than perfect, and it never is.

Her parents purchase run-down houses to repair and sell at a higher cost.

She's moved in with her aunt and uncle while her parents renovate a house that didn't have enough room for her. She has to help hide her brother's secret from her father and continue going to school.

Her attempts to end a new class "Friendship and Developement", which she said would be better used as a study period, are futile. The school department ignores her letters, or respond with a description of the class she's complaining about.

Their teacher, Try, is a newcomer, an American in Australia. She is an unconventional teacher, alongside a class that doesn't like Bindy. There's a mysterious new boy, Finnegan Blonde, who is her FAD buddy.

Suddenly Bindy get sick. She's throwing up, feeling disorientated, splitting headache. She can't do her schoolwork. She doesn't feel motivated to. She gets obsessed with the word 'Cincinatti.'

She opens up to her FAD group, and they think she's being poisoned. The students bring it up to try, and she says it's just a teenage search for drama. It means nothing, Try tells them. There would be no reason to poison an innocent girl.

But when Bindy gets worse, her classmates have to find a way to save her.

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