The Black Parade Really Is Dead - Comments

  • I agree with you.
    I got the DVD as soon as it came out while I was shopping with my friend, and we couldn't wait to get home and watch it. Once we had put it on we were just like "....oh." turning it off way before the end.
    I've seen MCR in concert twice before and they were great, but on this DVD they just sounded...weak. I haven't watched it since.
    July 5th, 2010 at 11:27am
  • This was a bad review. Only one short paragraph was actually you reviewing it, and that was done poorly; the rest of it was just a discription on how you got it. You should of done one paragraph to put a picture in the readers head then start reviewing. Very poorly done.
    January 20th, 2010 at 07:44am
  • Well, their performance at mexico was filled with the same old gig. Big flashing lights, fire streaming at the side of Frank and Ray, confetti and balloons. It was okay, I suppose. But I prefer their performance at Hoboken. There were maybe less people compared to mexico who watched, but it made them even closer to the band. I'm missing the point. The show was great, but nothing could compare to life on the murder scene.
    October 30th, 2008 at 06:34am
  • I haven't seen the DVD yet but that sounds like the concert I saw last year.
    And yea, it wasn't all that entertaining, but I was in a crowd of pushing people, so all I did was soak up the music and move around.
    I don't really want to own the DVD anyways.
    There bio DVD is great though.
    August 29th, 2008 at 03:10am
  • I thought it was worth my money cause I bought it w/ the new cute cd for $25.
    I didn't really like the mexico performance cause I don't really like the black parade.
    +I cried when gerard sang cancer(it gets me everytime).
    I thought they sounded and looked great but I just wasn't into it.
    I think the performance in Jersey is a little better cause each of them is giving it their all.
    and I also loved that they played songs from revenge + the new song.
    I've only watched it twice.
    and maybe I'm missing the big point of it all.
    but I did also think it was kinda boring.
    I prefer watching LOTMS over and over again.

    really good article though.
    I like that you didn't say it was amazing just cause they're MCR.
    August 28th, 2008 at 07:07am
  • I actually really really enjoyed it.
    I loved both the Mexico and Maxwells performance, I loved that they were opposites.
    I have to say Maxwells was my favorite, and I still watch it every single day.
    August 25th, 2008 at 03:19pm
  • I disagree. I pre-ordered on May 5th, and got the Limted edition. Sure this isn't just like LOTMS, but you can't keep making hte same thing.

    I love TBPID! And when i first got it ended up watching it everyday. I still watch it once and a while. LOTMS was amazing, but thats done. I like TPBID! A lot.

    I'm stil cherry about it.
    August 23rd, 2008 at 11:10pm
  • Hey it's alright. I enjoyed it a bit but not so much. I prefer Live on the Murder Scene still. That was worth my money. I know where you're coming from. =]
    August 22nd, 2008 at 02:44pm
  • its over 1 month later, and I still haven't finished it. (:
    August 6th, 2008 at 06:27am
  • i dont know, i liked it.
    i agree. they cant just keep remaking lotms.
    it was a concert dvd/cd,
    its great for the kids who cant get out to shows.
    it a way to think back to when you went to shows.
    i personally loved it.
    it made me remember the amazing time i had when i saw them in person.
    and i bought the limited edition package, which was absolutely amazing.
    the masks, the box, and the death certificate.
    July 10th, 2008 at 06:02am
  • i mostly agree with you i guess, I didn't like the Mexico concert, i don't like the whole theatrical hospital bed thing and i guess i don't really like the black parade all that much which is probably half the reason i loved the new jersey concert, so intimate and raw, and they played songs off revenge, it was amazing, But eh, idk, I wasn't like wow, i want to watch it again and again, like i was with LOTMS, but i guess that's cause i prefer doco's to concert dvds.
    July 8th, 2008 at 08:30pm
  • I agree with helenanna. I know there were a lot of rumors spread around that it was going to be another documentary, but they never said it themselves. I thought it was an amazing performance, especially for it being their last time performing as The Black Parade. It gave those, who haven't yet seen them live, the chance to experience their own My Chemical Romance concert. Maybe the Mexico City concert means more to those of us who have seen them perform the complete album as The Black Parade, but it's a great chance for everyone who missed it to see what it was like.
    July 8th, 2008 at 05:14am
  • I thought it was amazing, really. They deserve more credit. We already saw who they are and heard from them with LOTMS, and now we have something else to add to the collection. A DVD that makes a fan feel as though they were there. I thought it was a fantastic performance, and that it was worth the seventy-odd I paid to get the Limited Edition.

    But hey, each to their own.
    July 8th, 2008 at 02:35am
  • The documentary in LOTMS was an introduction to who they are. We know who they are now, so we don't really need another one. As for footage of the making of TBP, there is none. They purposefully didn't film because making that record in the Paramour mansion really fucked with their heads. I doubt they want to re-live that in interviews, and if you want to read about than just pick up a magazine article from around late 2006- early 2007. There are tons. TBPID was more a "Ok, you know who we are now, so let's experience this amazing thing together for the las time."

    I enjoyed every second of the Mexico performance. Partly because I love how theatrical and insane TBP shows are, and because I saw them perform one last year. To me they're very artistic and passionate, and when they perform the songs they aren't just playing them, they're taking you on the journey of the Patient. They captured that very well. Plus, the performance is beginning to end with no interruptions, something you don't get on LOTMS.

    I also loved the NJ show. It was intaminte, and it really felt like I was there with them. They kept in all of Gerard's ramblings, which I loved. The only thing I didn't like was how many songs from TBP they performed. 10 was a bit much, especially after seeing the entire album performed mere minutes before. I really love that we have a good recording [finally!] of 'Stay.' Because that song is so beautiful.

    But you all are entitled to your opinion, I'm just sharing mine. :]
    July 8th, 2008 at 02:33am
  • I guess i'm the only person here who likes it. I think it was amazing to say the least. It was all i was expecting and more. All the fans on the MCR message board like it too. So it can't be that bad.
    July 7th, 2008 at 11:54pm
  • I thought it was a waste of money, too. I didn't buy it, because I thought it would be boring :]
    July 5th, 2008 at 02:08am
  • you do have a point there
    that was the same with me,i was so excited to just get down to the shops and get it,
    and then when i got home and put it on,
    i was like "it's not that great"
    i think the only part i liked about the live in Mexico City concert was when Gerard sang Cancer
    and the live in Jersey was when they played the new song.
    TBPID! really seems like the DVD you'd bring out as your first DVD
    then bring out something like LOTMS
    i dunno
    that's just my opinion anyway
    July 5th, 2008 at 01:19am
  • I never got what the big fuss was over this anyway, when I first heard about. It's like, "okay...this is a live DVD of a concert and nothing else. Why would you buy that?" It would be different if it was more of a doc, but that's what LOTMS is.
    July 4th, 2008 at 04:40pm