Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (PC)

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (PC) You are Sgt. Paul Jackson from Lt. Vasquez's squad, it's day 3 in Iraq. You're objective for this mission is to get to the tank and prevent enemy forces destroying it. However, at the very beginning, you are surrounded by enemy fire; it's an ambush. What do you do?

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare seems extremely good, and it is, however, it does have it's bad points. Like in all Call of Duty games, Veteran mode is just too damned hard! I mean, as soon as you spawn at the start, you see the enemy, then you're dead. It's not like that in real life, or at least I don't think it is. However, it is fun if you're playing on Regular or Hardened mode, because it is a little bit harder than Recruit mode, the easiest mode in the game, making the enemy basically stupid.

Also, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare brings along some fantastic weapons, from the M4A1, M4 SOPMOD, SVD Dragunov, Desert Eagle, etc. Also, you have the ability to use claymores, and C4! If you're somebody who loves blowing stuff up, this is the game for you!

The multiplayer version is also intense and fun, from what I've seen on YouTube. You can use claymores, C4, any weapon, and also, if you rank up enough, you can even get Golden weapons, such as the Golden Desert Eagle! Think of the Golden Gun from Goldeneye, and that is what the Golden weapons are like. Also, there are challenges for multiplayer weaponry, such as the Headshot Challenges.

I've only played the demo, but I can tell Call of Duty 4 is the game to get if you're into first person shooters. I would definitely recommend the demo, and the game, to everyone.

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