Dsi-xl Review

Dsi-xl Review Every time I see a commercial for the new Dsi-xl, I always realize that Nintendo is comparing the Dsi-xl to a ds lite. But this comparison always makes me angry.


Because it seems like Nintendo has forgotten all about their 3rd generation DS, the Nintendo Dsi.

I just got a Nintendo Dsi last year for my birthday and I love it and always try so hard to not break it. A couple of weeks ago I saw the Nintendo Dsi-xl commercial on my Nintendo channel on my Nintendo Wii. I had my Dsi right next to me while I was watching the video and I noticed only 3 key differences in the two game systems.

#1: The Dsi-xl comes with a larger stylus for easy use.

#2: The Dsi-xl has screens 93% larger than the DS lite.

#3: The Dsi-xl has 3 built-in dsi-ware games (I believe 2 Brain Age games, and Photo Clock.).

I think that the first difference is fine because some people do not like the smaller stylus, and the old stylus also gets lost easily. But the other two differences annoy me.

When talking about the second difference, the screens are 93% bigger than the DS lite. What about the Dsi's screens? Did they just randomly decide to forget about one of their most recent inventions?

When talking about the third difference, ANYONE can get those three games with the regular Dsi if you have the points! Why didn't you put free games on the first Dsi?!?

I can tell from what my friends have told me about my Dsi and from other reviews that I have read about the Dsi, many people love Nintendo's newest game system. So, why replace it so quickly?

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