Is Assassins Creed Brotherhood number 3?

Is Assassins Creed Brotherhood number 3? Assassins Creed: Brotherhood starts off with the Villa you worked so hard to build up to in number 2 being destroyed. I watched in horror as the cannonballs hit the side of my building and fell to the ground in a pile of rubble and debris.The best thing about the beginning of the game though is the Mass Effect like switchover. You start the game with the armor and weapons from the previous game, for me it was the whole wardrobe of the infamous Altair himself.

The game gets started returning you to the same graphics engine and the same control as its predicessor, this is not a bad thing though, we all got used to the old game so why change it? Returning to the game is like returning to a previous home, it is familiar, the game clutches a sense of emotion and grasps at your heartstrings as the walls crumble beneath you.

Brotherhood cleverly involves the character of Desmond more than the first two games, I was always disapointed as he was always stuck in the Animus for pretty much the whole game.

In Assassins Creed 2 we got a small extract of the game as Desmond but not enough.
In Brotherhood we go through entire levels as Desmond and not simple cutscenes.
The use of past and present is clever in the game, we visit Monterigonni, it is so interesting seeing the villa in the past and the present, although the producers could have dmade a better effort, in the future they have simply stuck in a few vehicles and signs of modern life.

After the attack on Monterigonni you lose the armour, weapons and money you had earned in number two, from then on you need to earn them, dont worry though, you can still pickpocket and earn money fast from chests and assassonation jobs.
Over tiem you earn your double baldes back and you will be the powerful Ezio Auditore De Firenze once again.

In conclusion, I must admit, although Brotherhood is good and offers a good multiplayer experience, it isnt much like a new game, it feels like a ginormous add-on to the last.
Be warned.Its a brilliant add on. My Rating: 6/10

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