007 Bloodstone

007 Bloodstone I must admit, I have been looking forward to this game for some time.The graphics are, well, poor but the storyline makes up for it. Essentially the storyline is all about a bio chemical company that fell into the wrong hands. Obviously it's Bond so its the hands of EVIL! The game starts by chasing down a boss on his private yacht, bond is paractuted in and you are thrown into the action immediatley, you fight through the guards obviously learning the ins and outs of the control system.

The controls are easy to pick up, its a basic one side of the controller sort of game and a child could pick them up easily. Bloodstone has borrowed so much from the very succesful 2009 game; Splinter cell conviction.We have the splinter cell exection system where after three take downs you can have three execute shots or 'focus shots' this allows the player to get an instant kill straight away if the focus shots are used.

The thing I noticed though, on a mission in the game where you are fighting in an aquarium chasing down an assassin was that the splinter cell enemies- Third Eschelon made an appearance, you know? the Archer and Kestrel people.

The main differences is the third person combat, which differs from Quantum of Solace's first, the cover system is about the same. Bizzare creations made an appearance in this game to put bond in a few cars, oh yes, a thing we've been looking forward to for a loooooong time! In fact the cars you drive in the game include: Aston Martin Dbs, Aston Martic Db7 and a random truck.

Chase scenes in Bloodstone are very fun and leave you filled with adrenaline, theres even a boat chase at the beginning of the game. Overall, the storyline is brilliant, the game doesnt drag on either but its ideas are a little used and I dont have a reason not to buy Black Ops instead.

But! This game feels Retro and thats what I like It's a definite yes on my smiley list. I'd play it again but unlike Halo: Reach and Call of Duty: Black ops, once your finished the story then your done, nothing more to do except a crummy online multiplayer, the multiplayer may keep youy amused for an hour... nothing more sorry.

Overall rating: 7/10

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