Halo: Reach

Halo: Reach Halo: Reach was the game I was waiting for this year. I hoped that the game would be a gaming breakthrough and it didn't disappoint.

Reach offers a brilliant selection of game modes and focuses mainly on multiplayer.
The campaign first of all is a brilliant experience, we go through the game with- as expected- your team being picked off one by one. You play as the newest member of Noble team along with Kat, Jorge, Carter, Emile and Jun. The campaign experience is exciting, when you change your armor in the menu armory it changes in the camapign, this is one hell of a feature.

Firefight has been ressurected in this game, the mode did not disapoint, allowing us to bring the large range of weapons into the fight and of course allowing us to kick some covenent butt! Firefight now gives us almost infinite game options, allowing us to be invincible if we want and giving us infinite lives, oh Joy!

Forge is now an important part of the halo experience, we can now do almost anything, trust me, if you want to blend objects you can blend objects and we can even play withing the huge forge world. Forge is now hugely improved from Halo 3, in fact now new options are open to you, you can use the halo 3 method of simply placing objects down or you can use the phased or fixed, phased means you can put objects through objects, so you can put a building through a cliff.

Fixed basically means if you want to put an object in midair without it falling, you can.
You are now able to have kill points too, so you cant go outside a certain point of the map.
There is so much more in forge but there really is too much to say about forge, it is definatley a thing you really need to try out.

Lastly, Reach was really designed to be a great multiplayer game, to play with your friends, so if you are a lone wolf the options may not suit you, the online multiplayer zones from simple slayer matches to capture the flag and SWAT, these modes offer a range of fun.
Also online you can work with people on firefight, so your not alone against the alien scum.
Slayer arena is also another important aspect of online play, arena is for talented players and players who are dedicated to halo, to play all of the seasons of slayer arena you need to go on the game quite a bit, you may even break some records.

All of this though... all of the mulitplayer fun and the campaign really is just for one thing.
Credits, they are symbolised by the key cR, they are the glue that holds the whole game together really. The cRs allow you to purchace new armor, helmets, firefight voices etc. You also go through the ranking system from recruit.

This really is a game to play with your friends and compete. Reach also offers (like Halo 3) a mode called theater, this is where you go to watch all of your stuff back.

My overall score for this game: 9/10
A definite buy however, if you do not have online, many of things are limited. You can't play campaign for credits and you don't get online play, this is a definite great game and is my favourite at the moment.

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