Killzone 3 Sends Out the Franchise with a BANG

Killzone 3 starts off where Killzone 2 left off: Visari is dead, the Helghast are mad, and now you have to get off Helghan.The game is drop dead gorgeous. The visuals pop, and the game also gives you multiple environments, showing a range of colors instead of the brown and grey of Killzone 2. All the actors return, and the members of the Helghan council are all well voiced, each giving emotion and putting weight in their words that you usually don't find in a lot of games. Also, each gun gives off the bang-bang-bang we all expect from shooters from nowadays.

Story wise, the game tells the gripping story of Sev and the rest of the ISA ground forces waiting for back up so they can get off of Helghan. Let's just say that nothing goes to plan and they stay there for awhile. I can't give away to much without spoilers, but I will say this: the ending is left open, so there is a chance for spin-offs, especially with the PS Vita announced at E3 looming around the corner

The online multiplayer is once again a strong point for the game. Unlike in other multiplayer games where you are just some person with a gun, the game actually puts your character in the cut scenes. For example, you got the most kills and got one of the objectives needed: in the next cut scene, your character will be front and center with your tag above his head so people can see how amazing you are. It made me want to keep playing so I could be in that cut scene. And if you want practice, you can load up a bot match to train and get good at the maps, a great addition any multiplayer game should have.

Overall, the game is great. However, the only major gripe is your AI partners in the single-player campaign. I got killed near a barrier for a certain reason (spoilers), so I heard Rico say, "On my way!" Well I saw him... except that he couldn't navigate around it, so I died and had to restart it again. This kept happening on occasion, but it might detract players from the single-player campaign if they know the AI is unreliable. The game however is a must for PS3 or shooter fans, and a worthy addition to any game library.

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