Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - Comments

  • I would just like to say that is almost exactly like Modern Warfare 2 only with Spec Ops and Survival and a new campaign.
    January 18th, 2012 at 02:57am
  • I just want to comment a little on what you didn't say:

    The online maps reminded me of MW2 with all the planes and all, not Black Ops. They weren't that great, and it didn't have a diversity of maps like Ops did where there were camping maps and close-range ones etc.

    One thing: I liked the fact that when you prestige, you get a coin to keep a class so when you prestige again, you get to keep a gun of your choosing that you would normally have to earn once again each time. Well you could use the coin for whatever your choosing like double XP but whatever. I'd rather keep a class because it is honestly annoying having to earn once again the same damn guns each time.

    Now the graphics: MW2 had great graphics oh so fantastic ones, Black Ops seemed like the creators rushed which was the case in this game too. I felt they should have taken their time with it. That was a downside to it. When in the actual storyline, you don't really pay attention to it much unless you're getting killed by the enemy who are hard to see. On multiplayer, you notice it the most though.

    Now the killstreaks, I love the deathstreaks. It's perfect for those days when you're not doing too good but still want to get some sort of perk from getting a kill. It's also for those people who aren't too good but should at least get some sort of streak. Some of them even benefit your whole team which is pretty awesome! Those were a great add. However, I don't know if it's supposed to be that way but if you get a literal KILL-streak (killings in a row without dying) you lose it the second you die. If you earn a kill streak and die before you get to use it, you already lost it.. That was pathetic.

    I thought Survival was fun. They weren't trying to do zombies again but something different. Plus it's not where you have to share all the zombies with three other people as you wait for them to respawn. It's only you and someone else unless you're going solo. Then there's the three places, one where you upgrade your guns (which you either buy or pick up from the bodies you've killed), second place is explosives like claymores and grenades, third place where you buy what would usually be a killstreak like predator missile. Which helps in the case of the Jaggernaut dude. x)

    For the most part, it's got okay add-ons and a few fun in-games (like Kill Confirmed) but it sucks honestly. I'd rather play Black Ops.
    December 23rd, 2011 at 03:29am
  • battefield 3 is a bit better but overall i like both games!
    December 13th, 2011 at 06:14pm