Devil May Cry 4

Devil May Cry 4 Devil May Cry is a well known sequel based around Dante and his quest to kill daemons. He has his shop called Devil May Cry and his story has continued through the various games. This time round, they've introduced a new character: Nero. He is the main character this time round but Dante is still a playable character for all those who prefer him (though only for six or seven levels).

Firstly, I was eager to get this game. I bought it on the day it was released (8th February 2008) and was extremely excited. One of my friends had told me about the sequel, I'd finished the demo on Xbox LIVE and was glad to finally have one of the games.

My opinion of the game was that it was brilliant. It is in fact one of the best on Xbox that I've played for that matter (Just to back that up, I played it until 1:30am). The game plays with the smoothness of a well built up plot line and you can tell that they were never short of ideas.

For all those who have played all the games, they've changed the difficulty selection. Instead of Tough, Hard, Insane, Impossible, Dante Must Die, it has been edited to actually suit the new character. Human, Devil Hunter, Son of Sparda, Heaven or Hell and they have kept the old, impossible favourite: Dante Must Die.

In this game you may start off on Human or Devil Hunter (I started on human having never played the game before the demo release). Both are automatically a challenge as the DMC series has kept as a promise. The bosses are all a chore to complete and only hint as how to complete them (the last level being the hardest to figure out). Throughout the game it offers a spectacular array of fights, enemies, creative puzzles, riddles and secret missions.

The game has kept close to it's usual ranking system D-SSS. Deadly, Carnage, Brutal, Atomic, Smokin', Smokin' Style and the hardest to reach: Smokin' Sick Style allow you to prove to your friends that you are truly a Devil May Cry expert.

The game continues to give the explosive slash and shoot game style. They have introduced brand new weapons too! Pandora, Lucifer, and Gilgamesh will probably become some of your favourite weapons as you earn them from certain tasks.

The one thing that has annoyed me about the Xbox achiements is the fact that most are secret, though this will give more gameplay time, forcing you to find them all out.

Overall, Devil May Cry is a brilliant game. I'd recommend it to the franchise fans, fighting gamers, almost anyone who has a platform it's available on.

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