Assassin's Creed II

Assassin's Creed II was released in November of 2009 developed by Ubisoft Montreal (published by Ubisoft).


Assassin's Creed II picks up from where the first had left off as protagonist Desmond Miles escapes from Abstergo Industries with the help of his new found ally and previous employee, Lucy Stillman. In an attempt to prevent Abstergo Industries from catching him or even stopping him with this newfound knowledge and power, Desmond returns to the animus under a new ancestor, Ezio Auditore de Firenze, who lived in Italy during the Renassaince.

Ezio becomes an assassin in a more in-depth fashion than we are given in Assassin's Creed. Instead of being thrown head first into an assassin like problem, Ezio slowly finds himself churning towards this type of pathway after his family was betrayed in a political coup d'etat.

Once finding the right type of assassin gear his father had left behind for him, Ezio confides in his uncle Mario that gives him more insight on conspirators scattered about Florence, Sam Gimigano, Forli, Venice, and the Vatican.


Though I was practically head over heels for Altair after playing the first game, I can't help but have a little crush developing on Ezio. I didn't know that Desmond would sync into the memories of another ancestor. Though I did miss Altair greatly, I think having a new ancestor in a whole new surrounding was a wonderful addition to the franchise.

The wondrous aspect of this whole game was how the plot escalated into something I never thought I would see. Of course, it turned my whole perspective on the Assassin's Creed games into something that's on the verge of Harry Potter in Narnia. You obviously wouldn't think it would happen and you sure as heck wouldn't believe the creators would make it happen. I was thoroughly impressed and now moving onto Brotherhood have more than just high hopes!

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