Harvest Moon DS

Harvest Moon DS For fans of the Harvest Moon series or little kids, this game's cute chibi look should instantly draw them in. The cover's vivid colors and adorable characters were made for attracting small children.

The game starts with the Harvest Goddess asking you for your name, birthday, pet names, and farm name. After you fill in all that information, the game takes you to the beach, where the Harvest Goddess and Witch Princess are fighting in the classic RPG way where the characters come close to each other, shake a bit, and come apart again. After the Witch Princess accidentally petrifies the Goddess and sends her to another world, you come in. After many boring and tedious scenes you finally start the actual game. Yes, it's finally over!

The characters are cute and the graphics are passable, but the storyline is lacking. If you've ever played one Harvest Moon game, you've played them all, and this one is no different. The Witch Princess' comebacks are childish (but this is a children's game) and all the Harvest Goddess says is "Tadaaaaa!". Your possible suitors only have about five remarks programmed into the database. The controls are all wacky. To be blunt, this isn't a very good game.

And now that all has been said and done, I ask you this: Final Fantasy anyone?

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